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Young man sitting on the floor in the living room using laptop and headphones

Quality Matters Standard 2

Learning Objectives

Learning objectives describe what learners will be able to do upon completion of the course. 

Select an image or video below to see examples and gather ideas about how to meet specific review standards.

Specific Review Standard 2.1Specific Review Standard 2.2 | Specific Review Standard 2.3 | Specific Review Standard 2.4Specific Review Standard 2.5 

QM Specific Review Standard 2.1 

The course-level learning objectives describe outcomes that are measurable.

Course learning objectives should be provided to students that clearly and succinctly explain what students should be able to do or master at the conclusion of the course. Course objectives should contain strong action verbs that are easily measured by the instructor through assessment.
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Play Video about Example of course objectives listed prominently in the course.

QM Specific Review Standard 2.2

The module/unit-level learning objectives describe outcomes that are measurable and consistent with the course-level objectives.

Module learning objectives are aligned with course learning objectives and clearly and succinctly explain what students should be able to do or master at the conclusion of the module, week, or unit. Module objectives should contain strong action verbs that are easily measured by the instructor through assessment.
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QM Specific Review Standard 2.3

Learning objectives are clearly stated, are learner-centered, and are prominently located in the course.

Course and module objectives should be written in a way that is easy to understand for students at all levels. The objectives should also be provided to students in an easy-to-access area of the course like the course syllabus or course overview page.

QM Specific Review Standard 2.4

The relationship between learning objectives, learning activities, and assessments is made clear.

Information should be provided in your course that indicates which learning activities and assessments support specific learning objectives or competencies. This can be provided in a numbering system, course map, and/or listed on an introductory page in each module.
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Play Video about The relationship between objectives and activities are prominently provided to students on their introduction page for each module.

QM Specific Review Standard 2.5

The learning objectives are suited to and reflect the level of the course.

Course and module level objectives should be appropriate for each course level. Objectives will become more difficult to achieve as students progress through a course or program and learning content and activities build on prior knowledge. Bloom’s Taxonomy provides excellent inspiration for measurable course and module learning objectives.

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