Course Design Resources

Table of Contents


Assessments & Assignments

woman looking up into data cloud while using laptop

Quick Tips for Online Assessments

As you design the content of your course, you’ll think a lot about assessment methods. Online assessments and assignments should take into consideration the their online audience, which is typically a population of adult learners.

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Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging (DEIB)

man shouting and making face

Voice and Tone Checklist for Your Online Course

Each page in your online course and every piece of content you create for your students is a chance for you to set the tone and climate, support discourse, and communicate your expectations. These pages and pieces of content represent “you” to your students, and they will look to these pages to help keep them engaged and encouraged.

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Educational Technology


Graduates tossing caps into the air

Student Success Guide & Worksheet

We spend many hours planning and designing our courses, but once the course begins, how do you plan for facilitation? The Student Success Guide and Student Success Worksheet provides templates, checklists, worksheets, and strategies instructors can use to help their online students succeed in their accelerated course and persist throughout their program.

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Instructional Design

Amazed woman holding laptop

10 Steps to Accelerate Your Course

Course acceleration is a multi-step process that requires you to deconstruct previous course content in order to reconstruct it in a new, accelerated format. Consider some of the following strategies to help you accelerate your course:

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One-to-One Objective Alignment

Module Objectives allow students to build their understanding and mastery, in a scaffolded manner, toward the broader-level Course Objectives. Course Objectives sit at the higher

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One-to-One Objective Alignment

Module Objectives allow students to build their understanding and mastery, in a scaffolded manner, toward the broader-level Course Objectives. Course Objectives sit at the higher

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Open Educational Resources (OER)

Quality Matters

How to Build a Rubric

Before developing your rubric, consider the assessment you are creating the rubric for. Ask yourself:  Is my assessment developed completely? What are the course and

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