Voice of the Online Learner 2024

The 2024 Voice of the Online Learner report is now available. Nearly 3,500 online students—2,460 from Risepoint-supported programs and 1,000 from other online programs—were surveyed for the report.

Voice of the Online Learner, now in its 13th year, has a strong history of focusing on online learners’ perceptions, behaviors and preferences. It mirrors our commitment to bring our expertise to guide the success of online programs for the universities we serve. With that commitment as our north star, we’ve continued the report’s legacy at Risepoint, and we’re excited to share the results with you.

Infographic: Key Report Findings

To read more about the results of the 2024 survey and learn about the opportunities for universities that design programs with online learners in mind, download the full report.