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Smiling mature woman attending an online meeting from the comfort of her home office.

Quality Matters Standard 1

Course Overview & Introduction

The course overview and introduction set the tone for the course, let learners know what to expect, and provide other guidance to help learners succeed from the beginning.

QM Specific Review Standard 1.1 

Instructions make clear how to get started and where to find various course components.

At the most foundational level, before learners can proceed to tackling your course activities, they need a well-crafted launching point. Including a “start here” section that clearly communicates how to get started and how to navigate through your course helps learners start off on the right foot.

QM Specific Review Standard 1.2

Learners are introduced to the purpose and structure of the course.

An introduction to the course provides your students with information that will help them understand the purpose and structure of the course. Providing students with a course map or course schedule is a great way to help them prepare for a successful semester.

QM Specific Review Standard 1.3

Communication guidelines for the course are clearly stated.

Etiquette expectations for online discussions, email, and other forms of communication, sometimes called “netiquette,” should be clearly stated. In the same way that it’s important for you to provide students with expectations regarding communication and classroom conduct, it’s equally important to give online learners cues and guidelines for interacting with you and their peers.

QM Specific Review Standard 1.4

Course and institutional policies with which the learner is expected to comply are clearly stated within the course, or a link to current policies is provided.

Links to and information regarding course and/or institutional policies that your learners are expected to comply with in the course should be clearly stated in the “start here” section and/or syllabus.

QM Specific Review Standard 1.5

Minimum technology requirements for the course are clearly stated, and information on how to obtain the technologies is provided.

Online learners need to be aware of the minimum software and hardware requirements needed to be successful in your course. These requirements should be explicitly stated in the “start here” area and/or course syllabus.

QM Specific Review Standard 1.6

Technical skills and digital information literacy skills expected of the learner are clearly stated

Online learners need to be aware of the technical and digital literacy skills needed to be successful in your course. Reflect on what digital literacy skills your students will need to possess or practice to be successful and explicitly state these in either the “start here” area or syllabus.

QM Specific Review Standard 1.7

Required prior knowledge in the discipline and/or any specific competencies are clearly stated in the course site.

Clarify any prerequisite knowledge or courses required for your course either in your syllabus or Start Here. If there are no prerequisite requirements, be sure to indicate that as well.

QM Specific Review Standard 1.8

The self-introduction by the instructor is welcoming and is available in the course site.

Include a personalized and friendly introduction to help your students connect with you as an individual and set the tone for your course and online learning community. This is also a great place to provide your preferred contact information.

QM Specific Review Standard 1.9

Learners have the opportunity to introduce themselves.

To begin building the online learning community in your course, ask your students to introduce themselves to you and the class in an introduction activity.

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