Tag: Coursetune


A Tour of Coursetune: Terminology

To get started in Coursetune, you will need to understand its unique terminology, different types of views, variety of levels and layers, and unique tools that will help you map


Adding Users to Coursetune

To add and remove users to a Coursetune instance, use the hamburger menu in the top right corner and click on users. As a reminder, only admins can add and


One-to-One Objective Alignment

Module Objectives allow students to build their understanding and mastery, in a scaffolded manner, toward the broader-level Course Objectives. Course Objectives sit at the higher course level, while Module Objectives

goal solution concept on blackboard

How Curriculum Mapping Makes Accreditation Easier

Right now, post-secondary accreditation is in a state of flux. If you’re wondering when isn’t accreditation evolving, you’re right. As governing bodies and accreditors continue to negotiate standards, colleges and

Beautiful dark deep forest backdrop with smoke, fire, vampire bats

Solve Curriculum Mysteries for Continuous Improvement

We love the cooler weather, colorful leaves, and family gatherings (with tasty food) that come with this season. Continuous improvement for your curriculum doesn’t take a fall break. If your curriculum has been gathering cobwebs, it’s time to go on the hunt for mysterious gaps, wretched redundancies, and dark data that might be haunting your courses. Are you ready to uncover ways to enhance your curriculum using Coursetune?

coursetune mapping view

The Patented Power of Coursetune

Coursetune is a dynamic software application that helps universities visualize outcomes alignment. Coursetune’s patented technology helps university stakeholders see more clearly how programs align to overarching goals. It also aids

Catalyst digital course map

Coursetune Catalyst: Empower Faculty & Accelerate Design

Empower Faculty. Accelerate Design. Coursetune and Catalyst form an online ecosystem of time-saving tools that bolster quality courses and programs through outcome alignment. Together, these tools increase program and course

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