How to Build a Rubric

Before developing your rubric, consider the assessment you are creating the rubric for. Ask yourself: 

  • Is my assessment developed completely?
  • What are the course and module objectives aligned with the assessment?
  • What will student work look like? 

The answers to these questions will help guide the development of your rubric components. As you build, regularly return to these questions and answers to help guide you. Already built a rubric and looking to improve? Check out our Tips & Tricks for Creating Rubrics.

There are three important components contained within each rubric: criteria, level of performance, and descriptors. Each component will take dedicated time to consider and develop. After identifying the assessment you want to develop a rubric for, dig into each area of rubric development below:

Rubrics are a powerful too as they can be used to motivate students to assess their own work, used as a personal goal setting guide, and used as a revision and feedback tool. Rubrics are flexible and can be implemented during self-review, peer-review, drafting, and goal setting assignments in your course.

After developing your rubric, utilize the power of your Learning Management System to connect your rubric to your online assessments and speed up your grading process: