Prompt Examples for Discussion Boards

These prompt examples for discussion boards provide faculty course developers with templates and inspiration for creating strong, community-building discussions for their students in various areas of their course and at various levels of course difficulty. These examples, paired with other Community of Inquiry (CoI) strategies, help students build their knowledge and look to their peers for support.

Table of Contents

Ask Me Anything Discussions

Discussions of this type might appear in introductory courses found in undergraduate programs or at the start of graduate degree plans. These discussions provide an opportunity for students to seek answers to questions they may have. This is especially valuable for students approaching major assessments who may need additional support. 

Prompt Example

Ask Me Anything! Midterm Edition

Our midterm exam is fast approaching. This week, I’d like to spend some time answering any last-minute questions you might have before the big test. You can post any question you have about our readings, lectures, assignments, and quizzes so far! There is no question too small or too big to be tackled here. I want you to feel confident before your exam, so if you feel unsure about a definition, a theory, or a calculation, now is the time to seek clarity. If your question is more personal in nature, please feel free to reach out to me via LMS message.

I want to encourage you to review questions from your peers and engage with them if you think you know the answer! Feel free to share quotations from our readings or lectures, screenshot from videos, additional links, etc. You should also review our midterm FAQ document that collects and highlights some of the most common questions I have seen from other groups of students.

Responses to this discussion board and to each other are optional but strongly encouraged. You can expect an answer from me about each of these questions within 24 hours of your original post. This discussion is not graded.

Exit Ticket Discussions

Discussions of this type might appear at the end of modules throughout undergraduate programs or in graduate degree plans. These discussions ask students to reflect on their progress throughout the week or module. This highlights their most important takeaways as well as areas where you may need to complete future course revisions.

Prompt Example For Discussion

Module 3 Exit Ticket

Great work on Module 3, everyone! This week you completed the following objectives:

  • MLO3.1 Describe how the integration of reading and writing into elementary-level science classes can foster a deeper understanding of science content for elementary students. (CLO2)
  • MLO3.2 Provide examples of how to integrate trade books to encourage reading in a science lesson or unit. (CLO2)
  • MLO3.3 Provide examples of writing strategies and activities that can be integrated into a science lesson or unit. (CLO3)
  • MLO3.4 Identify best practices of Response to Instruction and the technique used to accommodate the needs of multiple learners. (CLO1)

In order to exit this module and move forward into Module 4, consider the objectives above. Then, provide a response to following questions:

  • Which objective was the easiest for you to complete? Which objective was the most difficult? Why did you excel on or struggle with these objectives? Were they equally easy or difficult for you to complete?
  • What lesson in this module can you immediately apply to your teaching practice?

Responses to your peers are optional but encouraged. Take inspiration from each other’s takeaways. Look for my responses which will highlight exceptional work this week!

Original posts to this discussion are due by 11:59 p.m. Sunday. Responses are optional but encouraged. You can expect me to review all original posts and responses within 24 hours of your original post. While I do not respond to all posts, I will read each of them and provide clarity and feedback when needed. Grades will be posted within 48 hours of the response due date.

For more information on how you will be assessed, review the discussion rubric for this assignment.

Small Group Discussions

Discussions of this type might appear in more intermediate or advanced courses in undergraduate and graduate degree programs. These discussions ask students to debate, discuss, or solve problems together as a small team. Discussions can be used as a tool to help students communicate during group projects.

Prompt Example for Discussion

Assess & Manage Risk

Welcome to your new position as a member of the project management and risk assessment team at Geodyne, a logistics company located in Kansas City, Missouri. This company helps provide FFA logistics services for the federal government, in addition to other contracts. Your team recently acquired a contract that requires Geodyne to move several large pieces of mission-critical government equipment to a base in Scottsdale, Arizona.

These items must reach Scottsdale by Jan. 10th which is two weeks from now. In order to meet the expectations of your contract, you must have an on-time delivery. Your team is brought in to provide project management support for this critical project. For more information on the details of this project and some of the compounding factors that must be considered, download the Assess & Manage Risk Project Guide.

Working in your small discussion groups, answer the following questions: What is your team strategy to manage risk? How will you identify, assess, and prioritize the risk response? How will you mitigate potential delays based on your risk list?

In this discussion space, brainstorm the answers to each of these questions. Then, decide on a final team answer to each of these questions. Select one team representative to summarize your discussion and answers and submit the team responses to me by 11:59 p.m. this week in the Risk Assignment dropbox.

Here is a recommended timeline for discussion:

  • Tuesday-Thursday: Initial discussion of questions.
  • Friday: Selection of team representative.
  • Saturday: Draft of team responses and feedback
  • Sunday: Submission of risk assignment by team leader

Original posts by each team member are due to this discussion by 11:59 p.m. Thursday. Responses should also be posted by all team members and can take place from Tuesday-Sunday this week. You can expect me to review all original posts and responses within 24 hours of your original post. While I do not respond to all posts, I will read each of them and provide clarity and feedback when needed. Grades will be posted within 48 hours of the response due date. For more information on how you will be assessed as an individual and team member, review the discussion rubric for this assignment.

Debate Discussions

Discussions of this type might appear in more intermediate or advanced courses in undergraduate and graduate degree programs. These discussions ask students to adopt a position or role in order to debate or argue solutions in a real-world context. These opportunities are great for including more workforce-relevant activities in your curriculum.

Prompt Example for Discussion

When Should the Government Intervene?

This week, you will continue to represent your assigned country in discussion and debate. Using your assigned country’s government system, history, and economic setup, consider the following question: When should the government intervene in a free market?

Initial responses to this discussion should answer this question in one-two paragraphs. The initial response should answer when the government should intervene, why government interference is necessary, and how your country’s government/economy/history informed this answer. I recommend including at least two references in your post with full citations.

At least two peer responses are required for this discussion. In your first response, locate a country response with a similar position as your own. In your response, identify where your theories overlap and offer your opinion about why that overlap is present (governmental, historic, economic, etc.). In your second response, locate a country response with a differing position from your own. In your response, identify how your theories are different and critique their free market strategy.

As a final portion of this assignment, respond to any/all responses on your original post. Defend/support your country’s stance—don’t let your government down!

Original posts by each team member are due to this discussion by 11:59 p.m. Wednesday. Responses to peers are due by 11:59 p.m. Saturday. Final responses to your original post due by 11:59 p.m. Sunday. You can expect me to review all original posts and responses within 24 hours of their due date. While I do not respond to all posts, I will read each of them and provide clarity and feedback when needed. Grades will be posted within 48 hours of the response due date.

For more information on how you will be assessed, review the discussion rubric for this assignment.

Peer Review Discussions

Discussions of this type might appear in more intermediate or advanced courses in undergraduate and graduate degree programs. These discussions ask students to put both their own work and expertise to the test. Discussions like this are great preparation and/or draft activities prior to the submission of major assessments.

Prompt Example for Discussion

Anatomy of a Quality Thesis

This week, you’ll put your knowledge of a quality thesis to the test with this discussion forum! Already, you have read our three chapters that discuss brainstorming a thesis, narrowing theses topics, and crafting a strong thesis. You also watched our lecture on thesis writing and reviewed comparisons of strong and weak theses.

To complete your initial post to this discussion board, share your current working thesis that you are planning to use in your final essay in this course. After sharing the thesis, explain a bit about your brainstorming process and how you have already narrowed your focus (answer the “what?” and “why”). Then, ask for support from your peers and from me! What feedback are you seeking? Examples of feedback questions include:

  • Is my argument sound? What sort of pushback from readers can I expect?
  • Is my writing clear and concise? What recommendations do you have for edits or clean up?
  • Is my thesis too broad? Am I trying to tackle too large a topic in a final paper of only 10 pages? How can I narrow this?

Feel free to borrow from the questions above or write your own! Initial posts to this discussion board are due by 11:59 pm CST on Thursday this week. Responses to each other’s posts are due by 11:59 pm CST on Sunday. Response posts should include at least the following:

  • Answers to the question(s) posed by your peer.
  • Clarity about your answer (answer why did you provide this feedback). This could include example revisions to the thesis.
  • MA resources, quotations, or examples from our readings, lectures, or outside resources that you think will provide additional support.

You can expect me to review all original posts and responses within 24 hours of your original post. While I do not respond to all posts, I will read each of them and provide clarity and feedback when needed. Grades will be posted within 48 hours of the response due date.

For more information on how you will be assessed, review the discussion rubric for this assignment

Role Playing Discussions

Discussions of this type might appear in more advanced courses in undergraduate and graduate degree programs. These discussions ask students to put themselves in the shoes and situations of others in order to understand real-world contexts and identify actionable solutions. These discussions can be completed with students in small groups or with students acting in individual roles.

Prompt Example for Discussion

Healthy People 2030 – Health Behaviors

For the purposes of this assignment, you have been organized into small groups based on your prior experience in family and community nursing. The diversity of your experience is appreciated and should be celebrated in this assignment.

Scenario: You are part of a local (Dallas, Texas), health coalition for underserved downtown residents. Leadership has asked you to closely review the health behaviors outlined in Healthy People 2030 (Child and Adolescent Development, Drug and Alcohol use, Emergency Preparedness, Family Planning, Health Communication, Injury Prevention, Nutrition and Healthy Eating, Physical Activity, Preventative Care, Safe Food Handling, Sleep, Tobacco Use, Vaccination, and Violence Prevention). The coalition has limited funds and has asked your team to rank these behaviors by priority and then provide limitations to the change. This will provide inspiration for an eventual plan of action for the coalition.

Using our prior discussions, readings, lectures, attached information on this community and population, and your professional experience, rank these health behaviors as a small group. Then, discuss the following questions for your top-ranked choice:

  • What local support systems and/or services are available to help someone make the chosen behavior change, and how would they help?
  • Are there local policies/laws associated with the health behavior?
  • How could the physical layout of your community influence one's ability to change a behavior?

Your ranked choice as well as the answers to these questions will be anonymously provided to other small groups in the following week. As a class, we will select the strongest response for the coalition!

Original ranking posts by each team member are due to this discussion by 11:59 p.m. Tuesday. Provide justification for your ranking. The small group should determine their ranking by no later than 11:59 Thursday. From Thursday-Sunday, work together in your shared wiki document to prepare your ranking and answers to these questions to present to the coalition. Final wiki submissions are due Sunday by 11:59 p.m.

You can expect me to review all original posts and responses within 24 hours of your original post. While I do not respond to all posts, I will read each of them and provide clarity and feedback when needed. Grades will be posted within 48 hours of the response due date.

For more information on how you will be assessed as an individual and small group, review the discussion rubric for this assignment.