Holding Synchronous Online Office Hours

Research shows that having a strong instructor presence in online courses can make a big difference in student success. One simple way to boost your presence? Hold synchronous office hours. These live, real-time sessions give your students the chance to ask questions and get help directly from you, and the good news is—they’re easy to host! All you need is access to your learning management system (LMS) and a set schedule when students can find you online. Here are six suggestions for running productive office hours.

Outline the details early on.

At the beginning of the course, post your office hours clearly and let students know they are welcome to contact you during those hours. Advise students about how they can reach you during your online office hours. You can use your LMS’s live chat feature, Adobe Connect, Skype, or any other modality that allows you to meet with students synchronously. If multiple students contact you at once, start a new conversation that includes them all, or tell students who are waiting that you’ve received their request and will respond shortly.

Feel free to offer extra availability outside of office hours if that works for you. You can invite students to reach out via email or phone if they have questions at other times. It may be helpful to outline your schedule and prepare a plan for when you want to do certain tasks.

Set clear expectations.

Let students know you’re eager to help, but remind them they need to come prepared. Encourage them to bring specific questions or areas of confusion instead of asking for a broad review of the lecture. This keeps office hours focused and ensures students take ownership of their learning.

Create a welcoming environment.

It is not always easy to admit confusion or seek help. Put students at ease by creating a warm, inviting atmosphere during office hours. Learn students’ names and ask how they’re doing before jumping into their questions. Building this rapport goes a long way in creating a supportive online environment.

Let students do most of the talking.

Students learn best when they’re actively engaged. Instead of simply providing answers, ask questions that encourage students to explain their thought process or walk through a problem. This keeps them engaged and helps them build deeper understanding as they work toward the solution with you as a guide.

Avoid asking “Do you understand?”

When students are confused, they might say “yes” just to avoid admitting they’re lost. To get a clearer sense of their understanding, ask open-ended questions like, “Can you give me an example?” or “What are some possible applications?”

Give constructive feedback.

It’s important to provide quality feedback, touching on the student’s strengths and areas of opportunities. Aim to provide factual and descriptive rather than evaluative, and offer specific suggestions for how they can improve. Instead of simply saying, “This wasn’t a good solution,” try something like, “I see where you were going with this, but it doesn’t fully address the problem. Here’s what you might try next time.”

Office hours are a valuable opportunity for students to get personalized support, and they’re just as effective online as they are in face-to-face classes. By setting clear expectations, fostering a welcoming atmosphere, and engaging your students in meaningful ways, you’ll create a space where they feel empowered to succeed. And best of all? You don’t have to be a tech expert to do it!