This month we’re celebrating Dr. Jessica Krentzman, Senior Manager of Instructional Design with Academic Services and Products. In this role, Dr. Krentzman works closely with internal Risepoint Leadership, external Risepoint partners, and our team of Instructional Designers to support the design of high-quality, accelerated online programs and provides vision and strategy for faculty professional development.
We sat down with Dr. Krentzman to ask her a few questions:
What does your perfect Saturday look like?
It starts by going to bed at a decent hour on Friday so I can get up rested before everyone in the house. I like the morning sun, so I leave for the beach by 7:30-8 and stay until it’s too hot. We do a late lunch of fish tacos and ice cream for my daughter Scotti, then head home to play with the dogs, swim in the pool, and make some grilled veggies with wings and a salad for dinner.
What book could you not put down?
Unbroken, a biography about Louis Zamperini. He went from a bullied and troubled youth to an Olympic runner in the span of 4 years. After competing in the Berlin Olympics at 19, he went into the United States Army Air Forces during WWII. His plane crashed in the Pacific, and after surviving 47 days lost at sea, he was captured and put into Japan’s POW camps for two years including one with Mutushiro Watanabe, a war criminal known for his torture. After being freed, he had PTSD and struggled with alcoholism but overcame it with the help of his family, friends, and religion. His story showed me that we can endure far more than we think, a focused mindset can persevere through the harshest conditions, and there’s always room in your life for gratitude and compassion.
What is your favorite family tradition or food?
Our family writes down Christmas memories in a “memory bag” that hangs on the tree. My mom saw it somewhere and started doing it with us in 1983. Someone writes down the highlights of what happened that Christmas and sticks the note in the bag. It’s really fun to sit around on Christmas day and read through our pile of memories. Some of the notes are so old the ink is fading so I made a master copy so they don’t get lost. When my daughter was born, my mom sent me a bag for my tree, and I love adding to the collection.
What meaningful item is within 20 feet of you right now?
My daughter’s artwork. Since the day she was born, we sing you are my sunshine to her at night before sleeping. For Mother’s Day she made me a painting of the sunshine and it hangs in my office. She was so proud of her artwork and so happy to give me something.
What is your favorite sandwich?
This goes back to 1999 for me. Everything bagel lightly toasted with sun-dried tomato cream cheese, spinach, sprouts, and avocado. Along with a hot or iced coffee. I also sometimes substitute the cream cheese for fried eggs or pulled pork. It’s rare to find a good bagel shop in Tampa so I only get these when I’m up north visiting family, and I sadly don’t have a picture of this little slice of heaven.

Dr. Jessica Krentzman, Husband Dan Krentzman, & Daughter Scotti

Portrait of American former bombardier (and former Olympic athlete) Lt Louis Zamperini (1917 – 2014) as he poses at home, a photo of himself during World War II in one hand, Los Angeles, California, June 13, 1985. (Photo by Bob Riha, Jr./Getty Images)

A painting of sunshine from daughter, Scotti, that hangs in Dr. Krentzman’s office.
We are grateful to support our University partners with people like Jessica!