Category: Guidance

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Instructional Design

Online Chapel Services: Keeping the Faith in a Pandemic

Background: Located in Campbellsville, Kentucky, Campbellsville University is a Baptist institution that offers a wide range of undergraduate, masters and doctoral programs to students.  Open to all denominations and with

Course Facilitation

Faculty Time Management Strategies

Teaching online classes can sometimes feel overwhelming due to the numerous tasks required to engage with students and manage your responsibilities effectively. Here are some quick tips for time management

Instructional Design

Using Publisher Materials in Online Courses

Textbook publishers often provide useful materials like slide decks, test banks, and interactive content that can be a great help when building your online course. These materials can be a

Course Facilitation

Establishing Presence: Quick Tips

In an online course, the feeling of connection—known as “presence”—plays a key role in students’ success and satisfaction. It helps break the isolation of online learning by fostering meaningful interactions with

person on computer
Course Facilitation

Interactions in Online Courses

When thinking about how to enhance engagement in online classrooms, instructors often focus on making the material more exciting. They may wonder, “Should I add videos or interactive lessons? Can

Assessments and Assignments

Creative Methods of Assessment in Online Learning

When students and instructors hear the word “assessment,” they often think of long, stressful exams—or equally long nights of grading! But an assessment is really any task that evaluates students’

Instructional Design

Strategies for Conducting Student Feedback Surveys

Student feedback surveys, often called course evaluations, are a fantastic way to gather open and honest feedback that can improve the quality of an online course. These surveys help instructors


Sample Discussion Board Ground Rules

Navigating online discussion forums can be tricky for students new to the online learning environment. Some may not understand their importance, while others might feel unsure about how to participate. This

Instructional Design

The Use of Narrative Structure in Course Design

No matter what you’re trying to achieve, knowing your goal is essential to reaching it. This simple truth lies at the heart of backward design, a powerful approach for building


How to Find Quality Open Educational Resources (OERs)

Have you noticed terms like open education, textbook-free, or zero-textbook popping up more often in higher education discussions? These concepts are part of a growing movement to reduce financial barriers

Course Facilitation

Holding Synchronous Online Office Hours

Research shows that having a strong instructor presence in online courses can make a big difference in student success. One simple way to boost your presence? Hold synchronous office hours.

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