Developing Deep Reflection in Discussion Boards

In an online classroom, a discussion board one of the most important tools for creating engagement and fostering learning. When used effectively, discussion boards can be a powerful way to motivate students and promote deeper understanding of course content through active participation of shared knowledge. However, despite their widespread use in the online setting, not every discussion board is an effective learning opportunity. In this article, we’ll focus on two methods instructors can use to foster deep learning through online discussion boards.

Instructor Participation in Discussion Boards

Current research indicates that discussion boards that foster deep learning allow for knowledge building and provide opportunities for students to be active participants in the learning process (Guo, Chen, Lei, & Wen, 2014). However, not just any discussion board can produce such results. Jo, Park, and Lee (2017) note that unfacilitated forums don’t foster effective discussion or knowledge construction among students. Guo et al. (2014) highlight research demonstrating that discussion forums tend to remain at a superficial level unless the instructor actively facilitates the discussion. (See also Williams, Jaramillo, & Pesko, 2015.)

But what does “active facilitation” look like for instructors? It simply refers to the instructor being actively involved in the conversation—reading posts, replying thoughtfully, and encouraging deeper exploration of ideas. While some instructors might be tempted to leave the forum mostly to students, doing so can lead to missed opportunities for deeper learning. When instructors jump in and engage with students’ ideas, they create a more dynamic and enriching learning environment. Instructor involvement in the discussion board is essential for influencing students’ level of cognitive engagement with the course content.

This kind of engagement also helps build a sense of community within the course. According to Galen Davis (2018), building a community of learners carries with it several benefits:

Benefits Description
Enrichment of Ideas
Leads to more nuanced understanding of ideas
Deep Learning
Leads to a deeper understanding of concepts
Improved Communication Skills
Rehearses communication skills
Increased Motivation
Increases students’ awareness of the course’s value and their ability to succeed
Awareness of Individual Responsibility
Develops an awareness of one’s responsibility in the success of the whole

When instructors enhance their engagement in a course, they help build instructor presence, which in turn enhances students’ learning experience (Davis, 2018). In short, the online instructor is “one of the key heuristics to promote learning” (Guo et al., 2014, p. 195).

What, then, can you do to be involved in discussion forums? As our next tip suggests, one answer lies in the quality of instructor feedback. If you want your students to exhibit deep learning in their discussion posts, then your own posts need to exhibit active engagement as well (McCarthy & DeLuca, 2010).

Giving Feedback in Discussion Boards

Feedback doesn’t just belong on formal assignments. It’s incredibly valuable in discussion boards, where students are exploring ideas and testing their understanding of the course material. Quality feedback can guide students toward deeper inquiry and keep the conversation on track, and feedback is particularly valuable in online discussion forums. Guo et al. (2014) define instructor feedback as “formative comments…given to maintain idea exchanges/improvement, keep conversations on the right track, promote deeper inquiry, and help learners to link practices to theoretical principles” (p. 196). As such, feedback that seeks to encourage deeper learning moves beyond “Good job” or “I agree.”

As the instructor, you’re the subject matter expert, so make sure to use your experience to guide students into thinking beyond the surface. You’ll want to post strategically and help guide the discussion without influencing it too much. When students offer insightful ideas or make connections to the course content, acknowledge their efforts and encourage them to go further. Ask open-ended questions that promote critical thinking and invite them to explore the material in more depth. If you notice that the discussion is drifting off-topic or becoming shallow, don’t hesitate to step in. Politely guide the conversation back on track with clarifying questions or new insights. This not only refocuses the discussion but also models the kind of reflective thinking you want your students to engage in(Guo et al., 2014, p. 196).

Williams et al. (2015) suggest providing clear expectations for discussion posts to help students know what deep reflection looks like. You can do this by:

  • Clarifying the differences between surface discussion and deep reflection
  • Providing feedback to students regarding the level of their discourse
  • Providing examples of work that evidences deep reflection (p. 61)

To spark more meaningful discussions, try asking different types of questions, Davis (2018) lists various questions types you can use to guide students’ discussion: 

Question Type Description
Challenge Interrogate assumptions, conclusions, or interpretations
Relational Ask for comparisons of themes, ideas, or issues
Diagnostic Probe motives or causes
Action Call for a conclusion or action
Cause/Effect Explore causal relationships
Extension Expand the discussion into new areas
Hypothetical Pose a change in the facts or issues
Priority Seek to identify the most important issue(s)
Summary Elicit synthesis

In summary, you play an essential role in the discussion forum. The quality and type of feedback you provide in the forum helps students to go beyond superficial thinking into deeper reflection.


  • Active facilitation by instructors is key to turning discussion boards into opportunities for deep learning.
  • Instructor presence is essential for guiding students’ thinking and keeping discussions on track.
  • Feedback in discussion boards should encourage critical thinking and reflection, helping students move beyond superficial engagement.
  • Providing clear expectations for discussion posts, along with examples of thoughtful work, can help students understand how to engage more deeply.

Discussion boards are an essential tool in online learning for instructors to engage their students in ongoing dialogue and create learning opportunities. However, without active instructor presence in the discussion board, students’ levels of engagement are likely to remain at the surface level. When instructors provide specific expectations for and examples of deep reflection in the discussion board, students are more likely to engage with the course content on a deeper level.


Alzahrani, M. G. (2017). The effect of using online discussion forums on students’ learning. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 16(1), 164–176.

Davis, G. (2018, July 18). Discussion forums [PowerPoint slides]. Louisville, KY: The Learning House, Inc.

Guo, W., Chen, Y., Lei, J., & Wen, Y. (2014). The effects of facilitating feedback on online learners’ cognitive engagement: Evidence from the asynchronous online discussion. Education Sciences, 4, 193–208.

Jo, I., Park, Y., & Lee, H. (2017). Three interaction patterns on asynchronous online discussion behaviours: A methodological comparison. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 33, 106–122.

McCarthy, J., Smith, J. L., & DeLuca, D. (2010). Using online discussion boards with large and small groups to enhance learning of assistive technology. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 22, 95–113.

Williams, S. S., Jaramillo, A., & Pesko, J. C. (2015). Improving depth of thinking in online discussion boards. The Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 16(3), 45–66.