Tag: Course Facilitation

Course Facilitation

New Facilitation Training to Drive Student Persistence

  While institutions seek ways to retain their students, students seek to persist through their program. Some may feel that this is simply a subtle nuance, however, this nuance shifts

Empty school desk on a blue background. Conceptual.
Course Facilitation

Three Course Design Strategies To “Stop the Drop”

As you design your online course, you may closely consider the quality of your resources, the relevance of your assessments, and the level of interaction between your students. However, are

Woman completes a webcast while camping by the side of a lake
Course Facilitation

Four Tips for Facilitation

Facilitation in an online course refers to the faculty’s ability to construct an environment where student discourse expands student knowledge and promotes the learning objectives.

Businessman on video call from home during lockdown
Course Facilitation

Teaching Presence and Facilitation

“Those teachers who are students of their own effects are the teachers who are the most influential in raising students’ achievement.” John Hattie (2008) One of the largest influences on

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