Tag: Instructional Design

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Assessments and Assignments

Badging in Online Courses

Badging in online courses can be used for anything from increasing motivation and student engagement to highlighting student achievement, marketable skills, and course artifacts.

Instructional Design

How to Reverse (or Backwards) Design

To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you’re going so that you better understand where

businessman SURVEY and Results Analysis Discovery Concept
Instructional Design

Rubric for Quality Course Videos

Are you concerned about the quality of your recorded videos for your online courses? The Course Video Scoring Rubric below provides you with additional guidance on how to improve the


Creating an Intentional Syllabus

A syllabus is a great way to provide students with the course purpose, an overview of assignments, and the rules of engagement that you will be using throughout the term.

Assessments and Assignments

Academic Integrity and Online Proctoring

The risk of academic dishonesty in the classroom is not unique to online learning. However, online instructors have different tools and tactics to promote academic integrity in a virtual learning

Assessments and Assignments

Strategies for Teaching Quantitative Concepts Online

Table of Contents Discussion Boards in Quantitative Education Why focus on discussion boards for teaching quantitative concepts? “College graduates may have bachelor’s degrees in arts or sciences but need to

Instructional Design

Design Strategies for Large Courses

Category Key: BP = General best practice for all courses LC = Proactive strategy for large courses and growth; best to incorporate early in course design to prevent rework later

Instructional Design

Course Acceleration: What, Who, Why, and How?

A research-based guide that explains accelerated (7-8 week) online courses from the learner and faculty perspective     Table of Contents The What What Is Course Acceleration? Course acceleration describes the process

Lyn Cook, Instructional Designer
Instructional Design

Lyn Cook

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Assessments and Assignments

How to Build a Rubric

Before developing your rubric, consider the assessment you are creating the rubric for. Ask yourself:  Is my assessment developed completely? What are the course and module objectives aligned with the

Instructional Design

OER Evaluation, Selection, and Licensing Guide

What Is an Open Educational Resource (OER)? Open Educational Resources (OER) are educational materials that are free to use, re-use, and share for faculty and students. OERs can take the

Assessments and Assignments

Creating Online Program Capstones

What Are Capstones? A capstone course is the final course in a program in a student’s chosen field of study. Capstone courses focus on capstone projects which are also sometimes

Recent Posts

10 Steps to Accelerate Your Course

Course acceleration is a multi-step process that requires you to deconstruct previous course content in order to reconstruct it in a new, accelerated format. Consider some of the following strategies to help you accelerate your course:

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Resource News – May 2024

What We’re Reading & Watching Conferences Articles Artificial Intelligence Ed Tech Podcasts Reports Webinars Conferences Quality in Action – Quality Matters

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