Risepoint Course Map

Why Course Map?

A course map is a structured tool that is used to organize and reinforce the flow ideas and deliverables throughout a course, allowing ideas and deliverables to build on one another and align to the course outcomes.  This method emphasizes content alignment throughout the course, aimed at fostering both leaner accountability and engagement with content (Ranston & Braatz, 2021). Through mapping, students better understand the purpose of all content in a course and understand “what’s in it for them” as learners.

For those of you who are anxious to get started course building in your LMS, you might find the process of mapping to time consuming. And while the act of mapping may take more time in the design process upfront (Wilkes & Reid, 2019), in the long term, mapping can actually speed up the process of course development.

A course map functions in a very similar way to to the blueprint for a house. Just like a good architect or contractor creates a thorough blueprint to ensure that all features and processes work together to create an amazing family home, a good course designer and subject matter expert creates a thorough course map so that all course content and features work together to create a meaningful learning experience. It can help you eliminate redundancies, scaffold content creation and assessment strategically, and give you a great build checklist for success.

Course mapping across our curriculum further ensures there are no gaps in content or unnecessary repetition. If mapping all courses in a program, this process can the successfully integrate concepts and content areas in a manner beyond what an individual course can achieve. Mapping also has the added benefit of proving that a course and program achieves important regulatory and accreditation standards because the map illustrates the acquisition of important knowledge and skills (Gallimore, et al., 2016; Linton et al., 2019). 

Download the Risepoint Course Map

Example Course Maps

Review or download the example course maps provided below. You can also view exemplar versions of these courses in either the Canvas or Blackboard LMS. Ask your Risepoint Instructional Designer for more information on viewing exemplar courses. Exemplar courses in D2L coming soon!

ECON 201: Economic Literacy

SCI 5073: Science Instruction for Elementary Teachers

NURS 4237: Foundations of Family & Community Nursing


Beckham, R., Riedford, K., & Hall, M. (2017). Course mapping: Expectations visualized. Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 13(10), e471-e476. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nurpra.2017.07.021

Gallimore, C. E., Porter, A. L., & Barnett, S. G. (2016). Development and application of a stepwise assessment process for rational redesign of sequential skills-based courses. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 80(8), 136-136. DOI:  https://doi.org/10.5688/ajpe808136

Linton, M., Knecht, L., Dabney, B., & Koonmen, J. (2019). Student-centered curricular revisions to facilitate transition from associate degree in nursing to bachelor of science in nursing education. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 14(4), 279-282. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.teln.2019.06.008

Ralston‐Berg, P., & Braatz, H. (2021). Online course design structure and interface. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 2021(169), 15-33. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/ace.20411

Wilkes, J., & Reid, J. (2019). Development and application of a distributed leadership framework to the curriculum mapping of quantitative skills in first-year undergraduate agriculture degrees. International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 27(4), 14-26.