Category: Instructional Design

Empty school desk on a blue background. Conceptual.
Course Facilitation

Three Course Design Strategies To “Stop the Drop”

As you design your online course, you may closely consider the quality of your resources, the relevance of your assessments, and the level of interaction between your students. However, are

African American in a wheelchair freelancing from home

Revising Documents for Accessibility and Universal Design

Why It’s Important You may have heard the term “accessibility” in passing from your university administrators, or you might remember a colleague mentioning “Universal Design” or “UDL.” Did you ever

Woman completes a webcast while camping by the side of a lake
Course Facilitation

Four Tips for Facilitation

Facilitation in an online course refers to the faculty’s ability to construct an environment where student discourse expands student knowledge and promotes the learning objectives.

A man and a woman ride a tandem bicycle in the fall
Instructional Design

Working in Tandem: How Faculty and IDs Create a Quality Online Course

Like riding a bike for the first time, it is best to bring a friend along to support you when developing an online course. The relationship between the faculty member, or Subject Matter Expert (SME), and Instructional Designer (ID) is essential to creating a quality online course.

Quality Matters

Quality Matters Monday: Standard 5.2

General Standard 5 addresses learning activities and learner interaction to meet the learning objective goals. This standard specifically addresses how learning activities provide opportunities for interaction that support active learning.

Quality Matters

Quality Matters: Standard 8.3

Standard 8.3 addresses the importance of providing alternative means of access to course materials in formats that meet the needs of diverse learners. One of the greatest advantages of online

Computer and books
Assessments and Assignments

Scaffolding Learning in the Online Classroom

The online student population is becoming increasingly diverse and complex. Clinefelter, Aslanian, and Magda (2019) note that recent trends show online students are getting younger, however, this trend doesn’t mean

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