Tag: Anatomy

Laptop with the faculty ecommons website pulled up. The user is on the anatomy of a quality course page.

Anatomy of a Quality Course

Use of the Quality Matters Rubric and annotations are restricted to institutions that subscribe to Quality Matters. Risepoint is an Academic Service Company subscriber and has the right to use

Business colleagues in meeting with female amputee in office

QM Standard 8: Accessibility and Usability

Use of the Quality Matters Rubric and annotations are restricted to institutions that subscribe to Quality Matters. Risepoint is an Academic Service Company subscriber and has the right to use

Happy young Caucasian woman working as a learner support employee

QM Standard 7: Learner Support

Use of the Quality Matters Rubric and annotations are restricted to institutions that subscribe to Quality Matters. Risepoint is an Academic Service Company subscriber and has the right to use

asian man in casual clothes talking and gesturing while recording video on modern phone

QM Standard 6: Course Technology

Use of the Quality Matters Rubric and annotations are restricted to institutions that subscribe to Quality Matters. Risepoint is an Academic Service Company subscriber and has the right to use

QM Standard 4: Instructional Materials

QM Standard 4: Instructional Materials

Use of the Quality Matters Rubric and annotations are restricted to institutions that subscribe to Quality Matters. Risepoint is an Academic Service Company subscriber and has the right to use

Smiling woman with eyeglasses using laptop at home.

QM Standard 3: Assessment & Measurement

Use of the Quality Matters Rubric and annotations are restricted to institutions that subscribe to Quality Matters. Risepoint is an Academic Service Company subscriber and has the right to use

Young man sitting on the floor in the living room using laptop and headphones

QM Standard 2: Learning Objectives

Use of the Quality Matters Rubric and annotations are restricted to institutions that subscribe to Quality Matters. Risepoint is an Academic Service Company subscriber and has the right to use

Smiling mature woman attending an online meeting from the comfort of her home office.

QM Standard 1: Course Overview & Introduction

Use of the Quality Matters Rubric and annotations are restricted to institutions that subscribe to Quality Matters. Risepoint is an Academic Service Company subscriber and has the right to use

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